Udemy How To Launch A Music Career From Scratch TUTORiAL

The information provided here is concise in order to give you a general idea of what is going on in music business in a short period of time. This will allow you to quickly orientate yourself and choose critical directions for development.

The course consists of 12 video lessons, each 15-20 minutes long. The lessons are accompanied by visual aids to help you understand, and after completing the course you will have a useful outline to refer back to.

What exactly will I learn on the course?
1. develop strategies for a music project (+ template)
2. use psycho-emotional skills
3. write and record material on a regular basis
4. create musical products
5. build and grow an artistic team
6. work in a team with freelancers and volunteers
7. allocate roles and responsibilities within the team
8. work on a minimal or no budget
9. get rid of the difficult mindset
10. choose a digital distribution model that works for you
11. produce your own releases
12. prepare for a label deal
13. Social media marketing for a music project
14. Work rules for Instagram and TikTok
15. exploit all sources of income from music
16. create and analyse contracts
17. get to showcases, festivals and talent shows
18. make a universal concert production with minimal funds
19. work with a concert promoter
20. build a sustainable career without burnout (optional module)

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